Thursday, April 17, 2014


My Mother, gave birth to me during the dark times of the 70's. OK, maybe it wasn't so dark, but to hear the way she told it, it was. And she LOVED to remind me that she went through 72 hours of labor to deliver me, especially when she wanted to guilt me into doing something for her that I would not necessarily want to do. So that is the tale of the birth of Mark. Fast forward Forty very un-glamorous years later, and again it is a dark time in this world, (Ok, maybe not that dark, but hey, I was a doom and gloom type of guy at the time), when a colorful wizard crossed my path. The great wizard with mystical energies abound, turned my life around. He showed me the true power of green. Sending me on a trip on the Magical Mystery Bus Tour, I became aware of how I was being a big baby about all the doom and gloom that I perceived in my life. I became aware that I was alive and was thankful that I was. Thankful for my wife and children, and thankful for my friends. So my rise to Head Minion may have started like any other minion, dark with no future. But by the grace of the Great and Powerful Wizzzmo, I was chosen for greatness. See, I have a background of technical skills. By far though, I am not an expert in any true sense of the word, for if I was I would being living on a island somewhere by now. However I have enough skills to create a great and wonderful web site for a great man, nay, not just a man, but a great treasure of this universe. I truly believe that everyone should share in the marvel that is my friend and Master. Wizzzmo has truly changed my life for the better. Providing me with a purpose that I enjoy. I love waking in the morning to see the stories and tales of adventure that Wizzzmo shares, and trust me, there are more to come. There are stories that I have been blessed to hear that have not yet been shared. I have seen the pile of notepads with many more stories, poems, and songs that have yet to be shared even with me. So one day, after starting this site, I was granted audience with the great wizard,where through a secret ceremony, I was dubbed "SUN-MARKO". Head Minion and keeper of the faith!!!


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