Monday, March 3, 2014


          In my vast travels through the galaxy, I came upon a place where the key to our ongoing existence is located. As I swooped on down through the dark thick atmosphere of Jupiter, I discovered a mighty force to be reckoned with. In these dark caves exists a mighty warrior who has vowed to devote his eternal existence to the absorption of pain and suffering for the good of all mankind and the universe as we know it. This being's name is Mezo Magluhi.
           The universe has become more and more fragile with the growth of the human species. Emotion, pain and striving to exist freely and happily are becoming harder to deal with.This is the result of our thinning fabric of reality and it's effect on the ever increasing emotional power being projected into space. The more people. The more emotion. Thus more pain.
            Our reality right now is being threatened by a relentless force that reaches out to emotion and tries to empower itself by it's attachment to a host. This connection can cause cracks in the fabric of time and what we perceive as reality. This is where Mezo Magluhi's power to absorb pain and emotion is so important to our continuance. Existing in this colloidally suspended reality as we do, makes us vulnerable to an anomaly that can crack the fabric of time and shatter our perceived reality and possibly the universe. This would be accomplished by these so called Cracknoids successfully reaching there emotionally charged host. Magluhi, absorbs this relenless pain of these Cracknoids and keeps the cracks from reaching there goal. YOU! These Snegs of Cracknoid from beyond space and time can only be stopped by this beings ability to hold them back from their driven goal. This is ultimately achieved by intensely enjoying their emotionally driven pain and absorbing it into his core. Thus rendering these Snegs powerless to reach as far as Earth and it's people.
             As a race we must try to love and be loved for hate and violence can only lead to pain and emotion. It is unknown to us how long we can hold out. For humanity's vulnerability to extraneously powerful emotional displays is becoming evidently more and more frequent this century. Lay caution to the wind my fiends. Please, mellow out. Burn one with a friend. Have a beer with a redneck. Help your fellow man become enlightened to the fact that we are all in this together. Let us join forces to combat these Snegs of Cracknoid and keep them from shattering our universe.
              May we all live in peace. This is our wake up call. Maybe the hippies were right.
               Stay mellow my friends                     Wizzzmo

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