Yes, I went Saturday to the Hempstalk Festival in downtown Portland. It left me with an angry attitude toward the City of Portland and toward Paul Stanford for even wanting to have it there anyway. The previous years it was held at Kelly Point Park on the Columbia River, a beautiful setting away from the congestion of the city. I heard that for environmental reasons amongst others, that it had to be relocated. How much time was there to find an awesome place (no suggestions) to have this event? I don't know, but to try to stick it right in their face and have it downtown' was just like trying to through a pie in the face of the bureaucracy. Unfortunately they baked their own pie and had it ready for all of us that came there with freedom ringing and birds a singing. We (the general public) were harassed at the entrances, we had lighters confiscated, we were swooped down upon if smoke arose from any one's mouth and were generally treated like criminals. Then, the event was even fenced into two different areas and walking from one area to the other required that you be searched again and again. This was not only an inconvenience for some, but was truly rude and offensive. My good friends of were searched 10 or more times, even by the same people and they're the media.
So why downtown? Portland has never had a pie throwing contest of this magnitude. It's just too bad that the faces the pies should have hit were Paul Stanford's and the asshole's who run the City Of Portland. Unfortunately, the faces they really hit were ours. Yours and mine and all the vendors. What a said choice, Tom McCall Waterfront Park. Sheesh
The vote for legalization is on our doorstep. No matter what the outcome. PLEASE! don't have this event downtown again. We love the outskirts, we've lived on the perimeter and we like it. Let's keep the perimeter of society as our own. Let's just bake pies and eat them, instead of throwing them. I love pot pies.
Have a voice my friends Wizzzmo
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